Wastewater Separation

ROUND SEPARATORS - Our traditional round separators can be found throughout many industries cleaning up wastewater. The vibratory motion is ideal for liquid-solid separation processes and works well with most wastewater cleanup applications. Simple and efficient design, long screen life, and easy screen changes. more…

RECTANGULAR SEPARATORS - SWECO Rectangular Separators are utilized in many industries for higher volume processing of wastewater. The rectangular machines allow for adjustable deck angles, which enables our customers to optimize their processes by controlling the residence time for the material on the screen. more…

DECANTER CENTRIFUGES - SWECO Decanter Centrifuges are perfect for wastewater cleanup, especially for applications requiring high volume processing. The SWECO Centrifuges are precision-balanced for smooth operation over long periods at high RPM speeds, generating extremely high G-forces. more…